Saturday, April 9, 2011

Crack of dawn, all is gone except the will to be

On to Day 6: A Song that Reminds You of Somewhere

When I was in high school and part of college, I worked at a local bar/banquet hall with my mom.  We would go in at 4 in the morning to clean the bar, dining hall and dance hall.

I'm not a morning person, and my mom knew that from the one syllable grunts she got for the first two hours we were there.  Thankfully, she let me bring my CD Player and let me listen to music.  Because we were the only ones there, it also meant I could listen to it as loud as I wanted.

This actually turned out to be quite inspiring for me.  I can't even count how many columns for my high school and college papers I outlined on napkins when the right thought and construction of words hit.  Something about moving very methodically and focusing on the music must make my brain synapses fire.

Each day I would make my way to the dance hall to mop.  I'd start it while Mom finished up whatever she was doing in the kitchen and dining room.  I would clean about half the hall before she'd make it in, giving me plenty of time to enjoy the notes bouncing off the various acoustic boards installed to make it pleasing for weddings.

One song in particular gave me extra pleasure ... even more so when I knew my mom had over indulged that night before (I'm a horrible person, aren't I?)

For Whom the Bell Tolls - Ride the Lightning - Metallica, 1985

I always enjoyed how the bells reverberated off everything.  It really gave me a spark as my energy started fading after a couple hours of work.

Especially when I cranked up the volume.

Next: Day 7: A Song that Reminds You of  A Certain Event

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