Friday, April 8, 2011

You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

30 Day Music Challenge - Day 5: A Song that Reminds You of Someone

So, initially the only songs I associate with other people are for negative reasons.  I don't use this as a forum to air my dirty laundry, so I couldn't choose them.

Then, there was a song I think of because a friend loves because it reminds her of her childhood ... and that just didn't seem right, it wouldn't have been my song.

I continued to ponder, and Pandora gave me the answer.

Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet" played on "My Favorites" station.  Big thumbs down! I really don't like this song.  It's good, but just not my cup of tea for general listening.

But it makes me smile and think of Hokuto Konishi, because of this piece he choreographed to capture the essence of the fuzzy feeling you get when you're falling in love.

Haven't Met You Yet - Michael Buble - Crazy Love, 2009

You can find the full song or Buble's video if you want.   But when I hear it, all I see is Hok dancing (and his perfect heart at :14 seconds).

And it makes my heart smile.

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